Technical Drawing - Exam Papers - Higher - 1995 - Paper 1

Question 1

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GIven the horizontal and vertical projections of two planes ABC and ADE.

A = 140 - 100 - 10
B = 130 - 15 - 70
C = 215 - 40 - 35
D = 160 - 45 - 85
E = 205 - 10 - 45

(a) Determine the line of intersection between the planes.

(b) Determine the dihedral angle between the planes.

(c) Draw the plan and elevation of the perpendicular from D to the plane ABC. Hence or otherwise, determine the inclination of AD to the plane ABC.

(d) On a separate diagram, draw the projections of the skew lines AB and DE and show the projections of the shortest horizontal distance between them.

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